Monday, November 7, 2016


November: Research of types of hearing loss. Genetics involved in hearing loss development and being born with hearing loss. Research how the different types of hearing loss have different impacts in a person's life and what technologies are currently available to help with this.

December / January: research how acoustics can play a role in learning within the classroom. Get in touch with acoustics professional at RPI.

February: Present findings and try to develop a plausible way to achieve a goal of getting the most out of class time with tips and techniques that coincide with my research.

March / April: Using all the research and data collected thus far, I plan to bring that knowledge to the real world and shadow a doctor who specializes in hearing and ears. With these experiences I then will create a presentation that accurately represents my findings of the year and that explains everything that occurred and what I have learned.

May: Finalize project; presentation and edits.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the timeline, which looks good.

    Please add your two October posts as well.
